Have you ever been in a position where you feel as if you can't tell anyone you're a believer in Christ? If you haven't it'll happen soon enough. I don't get that feeling anymore because I just don't care what anyone has to say about it. I wear Christ on my sleeve, I talk about Him with everyone I come in contact with. I refer people to His sacrifice as often as I can, and even though some look at me as if I'm a nut, at the end of the day I only appear to be crazy because I talk about Christ in a world that wants to forget Him. It's that very thing that pushed me to become what I am today. When I was a kid I was always telling people about God and His Son and I was always starting mini riots in my classrooms for human rights. When I was allowed back to class I would write notes and give them out to students -- notes about the truth behind why the teachers didn't want me to speak. One time I wrote a note about a woman who wouldn't properly teach her students because she was having an affair with her co-worker. I gave it out, let it spread through the school, and took on the responsibility of teaching the class myself. Of course, I was in like 3rd or 4th grade so "teaching" only involved reading groups and homework groups in the corner, but I was the one teaching the class the material none-the-less. I got suspended for the notes I wrote about my teachers but it always turned out, even if it took a couple years as in the case of the affair, everything I wrote was true. That leads me to the issue of censorship. I am a Christian, proud to be one. I am a patriot, proud to be one. I want to combine everything I read in the Bible with all the historically correct things I've studied, and turn them into a semi-anarchist book. Not a "I want to destroy the government and never rebuild one" kind of anarchy, but the "I'm going to incite a revolt against the anti-Christ, un-constitutional society that's beginning to form in America" kind of revolution. A lot of people are trying to ban such books because they consider them "un-American" and the people who write them "religious nutcases", but at the end of the day, the most controversial writings are behind the movements with the greatest impact on the world.
I've already written such a book and I went out of my way to make it as controversial as possible. I talk about God, I talk about Christ, I include historical events no one wants you to know about, I trace the money trail all the way from 1907 to our current President and I call everyone to my generation to repent of their sins and pick up their arms against the things I've discovered. SInce I was a kid I've been writing, talking about Christ, starting riots and moving people to stand up against what's oppressing them. They called me "troubled" but looking back, it was preperation. I thought I was crazy. Who really spends most of their day thinking about God and the nation's
history? What average citizen thinks like a soldier and lives life as a warrior? Who really doodles global war strategies on their bedroom walls and stands on tables in public, preaching about human rights and how to fight for them? I do! I live for it. I'd die for it. I can't even begin to explain how it makes me feel to look back on my life. I feel like I was bred to lead a revolution. I was always studying global cultures, even as a kid. It fascinated me. Studying how societies thrived and fell was my favorite pastime aside from raising holy hell at school. My mom had all these books about Europe, black leaders, civil rights movements, revolutions, Christian leadership, Bible stories, and I studied them all. My dad was a military man who taught me, as a kid mind you, survival techniques and things they taught him as a soldier. Even to this day I won't sit behind the driver of a car because I remember when I was like 6 years old he told me if a bullet goes through the driver its going through me too. I grew up learning about Christ, God, weapons, war, government, history. I used to joke my parents would turn me into a terrorist....and then I got a hold of a few conspiracy theories and proved them correct. After that I turned into a pissed off American. I got myself into some trouble and almost died, and the event caused me to get closer to God. Strangely enough the stuff I read about history coincided with the studies I did on religion. I turned into a pissed off Christian who loved her country. The only thing I knew to do after that was write a book combining everything, release, and go to war.

I know I sound a little crazy but the Crusaders weren't crazy. The Revolutionary War wasn't crazy. The Civil Rights Movement wasn't crazy. The Black Panthers weren't crazy. Those people were revolutionaries and they impacted the world. We will never forget those movements or the people who lead them because the liberties, freedoms, and rights that were gained from them are everlasting. I stand for God first and foremost and I realize the world has completely lost sight of Him. Sin is running rampart throughout the world and as our country is so focused on money, power, and status and not the precepts, morals, and values set forth by God, with the government going in the direction that it is, we'll be one nation under socialism. I can't stand to see my country take that fall and I can't stand to see the rest of the world looking at us and taking notes. I see where things are going and I don't like it. People are complaining about the government, about the state of the nation, the state of the world, and the old me is starting to kick in. I hate suffering. I hate to see oppression. I hate to see people's rights being taken from them. I'm trying so hard to live a normal life, working the office job 9-5 but that isn't who I was born to be. If I was starting riots in 4th grade talking about how I was going to change the world, if I got the nickname "Harriet Tubman" because of my passion for leading others to safety, if by the time I was in high school I was considered a scholar in global events, than I was meant to combine all that into a global revolution for the glory of God. I fully intend on rallying my generation and going to civil war for our rights, but now I pose this question to you. It all starts with reading. Will you buy a book you aren't allowed to read?
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