Americans want Healthcare reform, we don't want more bills to be hidden inside the pill bottles the government buys for us. That's not going to help anyone and it most certainly isn't what we've been asking for. Sure we want some help getting the cost of premiums down, sure we want better quality coverage for the money we put out, of course we don't want to be denied health care insurance because we have a condition that our insurance needs to cover. That isn't the issue. Yes we want something to happen, yes we want to see things change, but no. We do NOT want a universal healthcare plan to be passed that will make our lives more expensive to live in as little time as possible.
Senator Tom Harkin offered his opinion on the Republicans stance to either scrap the bill or use bi-partisanship to reform it section by section as to make it more constitutional and more beneficial for the public. "A swimmer is drowning 50 feet offshore so throw him a 10 ft. rope. We say 'okay, next time we'll throw a 20 ft. rope, a 30 ft. By the time we get to them the swimmer has drowned and that's how it will be for American families with this incremental approach I hear." Simply put, the Democrats want their bill passed as soon as possible and have no intentions on taking the time to work with Republicans to work out the key issues Americans have with it. There's a process called reconcialiation that would allow the Democrats to pass certain sections of this bill with 60 votes (in reality the majority would be 51 votes), and prior to the summit meeting Obama refused to remove that course of action to get it through Congress. The message that sends is that though this is supposed to be a bi-partisan attempt to work things out for the benefit of the American people, Democrats have no plans for slowing down or even hearing what citizens and Republicans are saying. It's simply a show. It's simply a way to say 'I met with them but I have the power to put it through despite the overwhelming, obvious disdain for it.' It's crazy! The President is clearly sending the signals that he isn't willing to listen to anything but the 'chi-ching sound' made at the Congressional register. Passing this bill without the input of the people or the opposing party is like making the death penalty legal in health care.
73% of Americans are saying scrap the bill and start from scratch! Saying it should go through as quickly as possible because American families will drown without it is like saying throw a 50 ft. rope to a drowning man with no hands and then charge him for the prosthetic arms attached to the end of it. We're drowning because our current health care premiums and deductibles are too expensive, not because reform in Washington is taking too long and companies don't have the option of governmental health care to purchase yet. That's not why we're struggling. As VA-Rep Eric Cantor stated, most Americans like their coverage it's just too expensive. We don't want to be told what we can buy, who we can buy it from, and who we have to pay our tax increases to for the "benefit" of such regulations, we just want the cost of our current insurance to go down and not be denied coverage for actually having conditions that require we receive coverage, services, and benefits. Just because we need reeform to happen to fix those problems does not mean an uber expensive program should be thrown at us as soon as possible. We want change, we don't want to be beat over the head with expenses and then taxed more the pain meds than we were before the government knocked us in the noggin. This bill will increase prices higher than what we pay now, will add additional taxes, and will "determine"...DICTATE, our benefits and coverage...not to mention it will control all aspect of the market. That is not at all what Americans are asking for and we're most certainly not asking for that to happen as soon as the President can make it.
What we're asking for in lieu of this overly large, overly intrusive bill is to be heard about our ideas of reform, and for the power to make decisions to remain with people and with the states. Get rid of this monstronsity and take the time to hear the other side of things. Get involved with the people. Get to know the people. Look into our ideas with more a more in-depth process of involvement in the communities. Work together with the people in Washington who are championing for the federal government to take a backseat and give the reigns to the states. Let them work it out.
Help them take control over these issues by saying 'people, states, YOU have the power...now work it out.' Americans aren't stupid. We are more than capable of knowing what will make our lives easier and given the opportunity to get more involved in the process of reform, we can work with our state representatives and congeressman to make the changes we want to see...withOUT the federal government and its overbearing restrictions, regulations, and expense increases. Yes, costs would go down if more people had insurance, let the states figure out a way to make it more affordable. What I pay in Virginia shouldn't be what someone in Brooklyn pays because geographically speaking, they're more inclinedd to need coverage than I am. The federal government has no place making a baseline for our coverage just so both of us can be covered, especially since creating such a baseline costs more than not having it. Yes, a lot of people are denied coverage because they have pre-existing conditions, but let the states figure out how to deal with corrupt companies that practice such things. It's not up to the federal government to control the market by becoming the market. If one company won't cover someone let that person choose an alternative. Don't back them into a corner and make the federal option seem like the best while simultaneously making it the most expensive...while additionally applying mandates that will make it nearly impossible for any other insurance option to be afforded. Let the states figure out how to deal with that problem.

Congressman Paul Ryan states "this is a Ponzi scheme that will make Madoff proud." By taking power from the states and giving it to Washington, not only does it skyrocket the cost of healthcare, it creates such cumbersome tax increases it would bankrupt the states and its citizens...but Washington's revenue in taxes will be considered assets. This bill would be a money maker for Democrats will bankrupting everyone else, in other words. It's like the government pooling everyone's money in its program and then taxing it into oblivion, until no one had anything left, and then using the revenue to create a government takeover program for the metro system. Because you know they're threatening to take it over due to safety concerns (probably over catastrophes they planned). It's ridiculous! Over six years this plan will create a 1.4 trillion dollar defecit. It will increase taxes, bankrupts families and state governments, and increases the deficit because the cost of the program IS the deficit. The amount of spending required for this program is what's going to cost 50% of the problems, but it's talked about by President Obama in such a way that says 'here are these nifty little benefits and incentive programs we're going to give everyone.' It's smoke and mirrors to make increased spending and the resulting debt sound like government provided oxycotin given to you after a tumor-removal surgery when really it's a chocolate flavored cyanide pill. It's a scam! It's unconstituional. It's not what we asked for and it's not what we want. Representatives all across the country have been holding town meetings to hear what it is the people do want, and Republicans are trying to bring that to the table. As Ryan stated in the second half of the summit meeting," We work with the people we hold town meetings. If you think what the people want is a government takeover and support this bill than you're not listening to them."
As a citizen speaking at one of those meetings stated quite angrily,"LEAVE US ALONE!"
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