The President himself said costs will increase. "This increases the value of insurance people pay for, they get an orange instead of an apple...People will get the healthcare we in Congress get...at the dime of the taxpayer." Okay, what that means in a nutshell is that the President willingly admits this plan will be more expensive the one you currently have but that's okay because you get a juicier piece of fruit with no allowance to choose a vegetable. This healthcare plan is a disaster already happened. Everything about it is geared to create tax revenue and bankrupt the American people. With government mandates on every bit of the legislation they choose what you pa for. They create the plan you pay for. They regulate the market the plan you're paying for is in. The government decides your benefits, how competitive the insurance agencies can get, and what they can and can not provide to you. Basically, you have no choice and neither do the companies serving you, but you're required by law to pony up some cash. Included in this healthcare plan is a tax on just about every combination of letters available to the westernized world. If you spilled some alphabet soup, came up with a word having to do with your health, Obama has found a way to tax it. The bill calls for an increase in income tax, investment income tax, and machinery. WOW! That's amazig. So not only does your premium and deductible increase, you can't choose which ones you pay for and the money you use to do so will be taxed at higher rates...and the machines used to save your life from the resulting heartattack will either be too expensive to buy or will be taxed so high you can't afford to use it. Gee, thanks Mr. President. Sounds like it would be cheaper to just keep the plan you have?
Too bad the healthcare plan Obama is proposing will wipe it out. He says you'll get to keep what you already have and your coverage will remain the same, but there are so many andates and regulations in his legislation, so many restrictions put on insurance companies, after following the laws set in place by Congress you wouldn't be left with the same coverage. If the government says your current provider has to increase payment in secttor A than they won't cover you for it because it costs too much.You lose out because they can't afford to obey Big Brother AND perform the services you pay for, so they just remove some of your services. In addition, those who ahve insurance through their employers will find themselves out of luck because it will be cheaper for employers to buy the government program than to insure employees the old fashioned way. That means you either lose your present insurance, receive half the coverage of it, or purchase the government's plan individually or through your employer. And guess what? If you wanted to switch jobs, perhaps go to a higher paying company, you wouldn't be able to if you've ever had a cold, surgery, or backache because most insurance companies won't cover people with pre-existing health conditions. Isn't that peachy? It's pretty much saying you pay or you don't get coverage, and if you want a job you'll be mandated to get it. It's a win win for people who profit off of tax dollars but for the people whose checks are dwindled by that practice, it's just another occasion of the government pimping its hos.
In short, this plan is too expensive, too restrictive, and unconstitutional. The government proposes to takeover the healthcare industry and make it as xpensive as possible because it's making it so great. That's essentially what they're saying. Do you want that? Polls show 59% of Americans think this plan is complete BS. It's a government takeover. The President can say," This is not a takeover. Government sets the baseline and uses market techniques so there isn't a race to the bottom, but everyone starts on the same ground," but all that means is "this is a government takeover." What he's simply saying is that government will regulate the market and start everyone off with the same restrictions, which means Washington D.C. will be in control of healthcare, prices, and will dictate competition. If that isn't a takeover what is it? Socialism? Are we a socialist nation or are we a constitutional-republic? This bill, according to our founding document, is illegal. What are we as citizens, going to do about it? We need to lobby to kill this bill.
"In a perfect world everyone would have everything they wanteds, but quite simply put, we can't afford this bill. We both agree there needs to be reform, we both agree there needs to be some regulation, but let's do it without the trillion dollar try. That's all."
- VA Representative Eric Canton
Amen. It would be nice if we lived in socialist, marxist Utopia but it costs too much money to create LaLa land in reality.
"We could make food cheaper if we got rid of meat inspectors...we make decisions to protect consumers in every aspect of life."
- President Barack Obama.
So now you're willingly admitting without big government programs it would be cheaper for citizens to live in America, and by your own admittance you're expanding government into every aspect of the American way of life? I think you may have justified all the Republicans claims so now it's time you get over yourself, get over your issues, and do what you promised. Work with Republicans, ACTUALLY USE SOME OF THEIR IDEAS, and create another bill that follows more of the constitution and requires less government in the healthcare sector.
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