I've always strived to be the understanding person in the group, the one that gets to know everyone's point of view by experiencing the point they've made in their minds. It's taken me to all new heights of cognitive reasoning which means it literally drove me insane. Oh well! I thought it would be interesting to get to know a terrorist way of thinking since I'm always harping about government reform. I mean, if I'm gonna talk about it why not get my fingers dirty? And let me clarify what I just said. I didn't say I'm gonna go live in a desert and study how to sneak into New York, nor did I say I'm a dirty terrorist that wants to reform the government. I said since I border on the edge of anarchy, before I become a patriot it's important that I understand the threats I'll be facing. What better way to understand something than to actually experience it? What better way to interrorgate a terrorist than having your opening line be," Son, I've been where you've been. For years I've plotted how to terrorize Washington D.C. and the rest of the United States so I know exactly how you feel right now. I used to feel the exact same way so now I'm a politician."
Talk about relationship b
uilding! That's like the opening line for networking on LinkedIn.com except now it's terrorist style. The key component to friendship is having common ground. Not only does my conversation starter offer common ground, it opens up the floodgates to discuss how a suit could understand a towel; afterall, when a politician takes a shower what does he dry off with? When a terrorist's head gets cold how do they warm it up? It's perfect! A response to that opening would be,"well, how do you terrorize Washington?" This conversation, just off that one question, can go on for a lifetime. Now they can exchange ideas. The politician gushes about his earmarks and the terrorist gushes about his marks to the ears behind the glass. It's fail proof. Not only do we get the necessary info the politician has a new friend to work with under the table. It's good for the public AND its business as usual. I'm such a genius! But...not only am I genius, I'm also a terrorist in training. Confused? Alarmed? Appalled? Ever heard the juvenile phrase 'takes one to know one!' That's what I'm gonna say to the next terrorist I meet right after telling him how I'm going to wreak havoc on Washington by going to civil rights war on their candy asses. What's more of a terrorist act than having constitutional values during the reign of a socialist government? Having a pilot's license? Now, I'm not condoning what they do in anyway. I'm saying, I get it now.

When someone grows up in a radically religious environment their mind is trained to focus on their God, to promote their God, to honor their God in everything and at all times. Religion becomes the foundation of their lives just as much as lust, vanity, and pride becomes that for an American. They study their religious texts, live them, abide by them. They work hard for everything they have while living in a sandcastle. In America, we go to the beach with a bucket and pail and make fun of their homes and livelihood from the time we're children to the time we're adults. Those people build their houses from the ground up while memorizing thousand page novels and you think it doesn't make them a litte angry to see rich, little white kids building mini versions of their homes in the sand like it's childsplay? "Look at what little Johnny can do!" C'mon! We mock their culture and we realize it. With our international news organizations and international television stations what do we constantly broadcast to the world? "We are great, we are mighty, you suck, we're going to get your resources one way or the other." Everything we send overseas is sinful. Entertainers. Reality television. Vanity. And you know what our motto is? Sex sells. Think about it. If the countries terrorists come from are known for their religious radicalism, why are we, as a country that beams "sex, money, die" at them, so quick to invade their homeland? It's our own fault. If you were a poor Christian and someone sent you a dirty email, walked into your house demanding all the oil you use for cooking, and then said they deserved it because they went to Harvard to learn how to manipulate other people to make laws that make such things legal...wouldn't you get pissed off? Wouldn't you drop your Bible and open a can of whoop ass? I'm just saying...isn't it a little suspicious that most terrorists are watching television before they up and leave home?
Yes, and how do I know that? Because I was watching the news and all I could hear was "America is a nation of sin that bullies poor nations of religious radicals for their resources, makes fun of them with five dollar vocabulary words and long sentences, and then sends it to their television stations" right before doodling war strategies on my bedroom walls. I understand how a terrorist could see that stuff and get a couple ideas. BOOM! There goes an airplane. KABLAM! There goes a landmark. POW! There goes our water sources. When all is said and done those people are either in jail or in Heaven but it doesn't matter because the President is still left picking his face up and gluing his pride back together. Terrorism is purely, at its most simple form, playground psychology. Big kid picks on the little kid who prays a lot, little kid goes into pilot school, little kid gets his revenge. Moral of the story: stop picking on people who will become tough enough to fly back. No one is going to roll over everytime they get kicked. America is not going to "big stick" its position of authority forever. Eventually, people are going to start fighting back in ways our leaders never learned at Princeton. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not condoning terrorism in anyway. Just because my country has been terrorizing the world and waging wars everytime it wants something, does not make it okay for those countries to do the same thing when they become fed up. I'm not condoning terrorism. I'm justifying it.

What?! Politicians do the same thing! When a person is born to a governor/general and a mom/senator, it's almost the perfect breeding ground for knowing how to maniuplate America. Not only does this kind of person go to the best schools, they know how to strategically clean up America by governing a state. Being a politcian is like being a terrorist whose plane never crashes. I think it's worse, to be perfectly honest. Politicians say they want to help us, they say they want the best for us, but majority of them got taught how to meet the right friends and it's more profitable to hurt us than help. You really think legislation geared to expand federal takeovers is really for your safety, or do you think the person who wrote it just learned how to make monopilies legal when he was in class with JP Morgan's great-great-great-grandson? Get real. If I met the daughter of the man who owns GM in my Calculus class I'd write a bill making our friendship legal too. Matter of fact, I'd elect my childhood buddy to Supreme Court Justice so that in the event someone calls me out on breaking the law, I've got a balance to being checked. And you know why I would do such a thing? Because it makes me money.
Politicians don't care about reform they care about mind control. Terrorists just don't care for the immaorality of that spreading into their countrysides. A politician will promise you all sorts of things before he bleeds you dry, takes your house, steals your job, and dips your band aid in water so it won't stick to your wounds. A terrorist just yells out to God and then blows himself up. At least he considers God of enough value to die for. At least he stands for something. At least he's a martyr for his cause. What does a politician even stand for as they thank God for taking over the country in such a way that violates every word in all our founding documents? I mean, what kind of person shamelessly yet proudly, with honor and false dignity says stuff like "this bailout will save millions of American families" when the source of the problem is having too much fiat currency in every market and all sectors? But I mean...so as long as they get to spend nearly a trillion dollars which government official really cares about us as citizens in the long run? The fabric of their very lives depends on unraveling our security blankets and tossing it over our eyes.
There is a thin line between terrorism and politics and if you're smart enough, if you get into the right kind of society at the right school, you can be taught to blur that line until Americans think it's the right thing to vote for. The common factor between the psychology of both kinds of people is this: we can work together for our benefit. It's a mutually profitable relationship. If the politicians ignore the signs of terrorist attacks when they wage their Holy Wars for their Holy causes they can take the country over and call it an act of national security. If they just let a couple Muhammed's through security fences with bombs it'll scare Americans to their campaign rallies. If they can, over time, create a system of economics that crashes everytime a Republican is in office and a Democrat has an idea for some really big programs for the federal government to institute, they can couple fear with hope and change. If we have the option of failure or takeover we choose takeover because the federal government seems safer than being broke. IRONY! We're broke because the federal government took over. If we can now choose between submission and terrifying patriotism we choose submission. Things will get better if the government gets bigger, right? It cares about us. It wants the best for us. It's regulation of every aspe
ct of our lives down to recording our blood type for an interview is for the bestn because the government is supposed to expand itself into every aspect of our lives without the consent of the people. Wake up America.

If your local politician isn't crying him or herself to sleep everynight they're one of them. An American terrorist. If the person you voted for doesn't know conservatism is equal to Constitutional behavior, you messed up. If a person in a suit isn't willing to write on a chalkboard 'Washington's actions are illegal and this is why', you don't need to be supporting them. Open your eyes. Get over yourself. You're being hoodwinked and just because the person isn't walking into a train station and blowing up a few people does not make their actions are any less lethal to the Christian, Amerian way of life. It is NOT okay for our federal government to be assuming as much power as it is. It's not constitutional for America to be socialist. It's immoral as a human being to gain the support of millions by making such things sound like a charismatic speech about hope and change. If people are supporting you and you take everything away from them for the benefit of you and your friends, you're just as bad as the terrorist who wants to get you back for doing it to their country.
You've given me a lot to think about here. It's obvious you have really studied the situation and given a lot of thought to it. I will be back to read some more.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to comment and what I really appreciate is you taking the time to think about what I've said. It's important that more Americans take the time to seriously think about what's going on in the country, educate themselves, and get involved. So, thanks for reading, thanks for commenting (keep em' coming!), and thanks for following me as I make this journey for myself.